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Want to Know More About Epoxy Floors?

Frequently Asked Questions About Epoxy Floor Coatings

Many of the customers of Dynamic Protective Coatings, LLC have asked us about epoxy floor coating and what it is exactly. If this is something you have not heard about before, epoxy is the final product that is made from epoxy resins, this is a strong glue used to stick things together and cover surfaces. Usually, 2 resins need to be mixed together before being used. Here, we will attempt to answer some of the most-asked questions about our epoxy garage floor coating you may have. If you are located in Maryland Heights, MO, and you need to contact an epoxy flooring contractor, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at (314) 279-4849 today and let us resolve any doubts you could have.

What type of Epoxy Floors are there?

There are several different kinds of epoxy floors which have a solid color, light or heavy color, chipped, and some similar to granite flooring. Every product that is installed should also come with a topcoat finish, which will make a floor look even more beautiful and have a longer lifespan.

Is there any preparation before installing a floor?

Yes, there often is, before starting anything, the concrete used for the installation process needs to be prepared. Also, the floors will need to be inspected and any stains or oil which will need to be removed, in order for cohesion to ensue. However, you need to note that heavily cracked concrete floors will need to be repaired beforehand.

How long does the installation process take?

This is not easy to answer, as it greatly depends on the size of the space that is being worked on, in addition to the choice of floor material. It can be as little as a couple of days to one week, you need to ask this before you agree to a job.

After the installation, do we have to wait before we start to use the area?

Yes, there will be a waiting period before the space can be used again, for example, if you are having a basement floor coating applied, we advise waiting at least 2 days minimum before you use the space again.

Will I be able to park my car after waiting 48 hours?

You need to remember that cars are extremely heavy, so if you are getting your garage floor done, we recommend keeping any vehicles away from your garage for a minimum of 5 days, this will allow more time for it to completely dry. Should you not adhere to this, you cause serious damage to the epoxy floor, meaning the entire process may have to be done again.

What can I do to not have a slippery floor?

Well, the finished surface will be smoother than concrete, so epoxy floors are more slippery when wet. So you need to practice caution with regard to spills or cleaning. In such cases, try using an ammonia solution with water and not a soap-based cleaner to reduce the slippery situation.

So if you are looking for a concrete floor coating, and to find out more information about our services, please do not hesitate to call Dynamic Protective Coatings, LLC today at (314) 279-4849. We service the Maryland Heights, MO area.

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